Many athletes from around the world have their own pre-gram rituals and superstitions that they follow, and there is one that should be included in yours. Zen Sports Spray.
A natural therapeutic massage liniment specially designed for sportsmen and athletes that replaces all other creams and medicines. It aims to relieve and prevent pre and post activity injuries, and has proven to be restorative. Simply spray on problem areas, joints and muscles then wait for Zen to start acting- it’s easier than kicking one from 50.
What is it?
Zen Therapeutics make outstanding, safe and effective natural medicines that promote health and reduce suffering for users. Whilst the top selling and original Zen liniment is widely used for specific ailments, such as mild arthritis, Zen Sports Spray is specifically formulated to alleviate sporting injuries, such as muscle aches, sprains, and bruising, and is ideal for massaging due to the thicker, more natural consistency to the liquid, containing camphor which helps provide heat and supports massage.
What sets Zen apart from the rest?
Many other products on the market provide temporary pain relief, thus acting as a blanket for underlying issues with no real long term benefits. Zen works on affected areas, repairing muscle and joint issues from first application. It is a natural alternative to medicines and pain relief drugs, and can promote ongoing reparative properties.
How will it improve your game?
Let’s picture this scenario. *Jacko has wanted to play for the Ones for as long as he could remember. He was always sidelined, and at the start of this season, his hard work and determination paid off, drafted to play on the field alongside his best mates Harro and Wippa. However, Jacko has one minor issue that he is embarrassed would make him the laughing stock of the team. He has been struggling with discomfort and pain that is beginning to affect his game due to a previous shoulder injury and tackle sprains that have accumulated over the years.
Fear not, as Jacko applies Zen Sports Spray prior to and after the game, strapping his shoulder without an issue.
Result? Jacko is seen at the pub, buying the whole team beers in celebration. Harro and Wippa think it’s because of the win but we know that it’s because there is no ache or pain in sight.
*Individual results may vary; not everyone can be Jacko.
By helping to relieve the discomfort and pain associated with sports injuries, sprains, general muscle aches and bruising, Zen Sports Spray provides fast and effective topical pain relief and promotes blood circulation to relieve pain and inflammation. The convenience of a plastic bottle enables easy and safe portability, taking up next to no space in any gym bag.
Why Zen Sports Spray is the best option?
Zen Sports Spray has been formulated with 20x the amount of Arnica that is used in the Zen liniment. Arnica is used to support sprains, bruises and general muscle aches and pains. The perfect formulation for prevention and protection. It can be applied pre and post activity. The non-oily glycerine base allows for ease when massaging and strapping over injury. The “football locker room smell” of most liniments is from cheap chemicals such as methyl-salicylate, replaced in Zen with mentha arvensis, giving it its signature mint aroma.
Unlike many other sports sprays on the market, Zen is 100 percent Australian made and has been proved and tried for over 25 years. Created by leading naturopath and herbalist, Rod Berger B.App.Sc. (TCM). ND in 1990, every bottle contains Rod’s extensive knowledge and dedication. What’s more, his ongoing research makes Zen continually be on top of its game/ at the forefront of muscle relief products. The natural ingredients in every bottle although individually achieving a different function, work together to provide relief and prevention that you can rely on. Now that’s total Zen.
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